TE8DX Está en el aire desde ayer y hasta el día 12 de Junio, referencia IOTA NA 116 operada por:
Operators: TI2CC, TI2JCC, TI2CDA, KM4HI , N3KS
En este momento entrando muy bien en ea en 18077 simplex.
Update 6/5/2017: We are ready to start our activation this coming Thursday, U.S team ops. are arriving tomorrow noon and will meet with the rest of the team Wednesday afternoon.
We are bringing 2 K3’s with Acom amps, a Hex Beam for 10m-20m, Cushcraft R7, 40M Delta Loop, 30M Dipole, 80M Dipole and 5El beam on 6M. If band conditions help we might put up a 160M Inverted L antenna that is already packed.
We should be landing around 15:00 UTC.
We hope to work you on all bands.